quarta-feira, 9 de outubro de 2013

Air Koryo orders 12 Airbus aircraft including A330s

Air Koryo has reportedly signed an order for 12 Airbus aircraft according to statements made to German travel publications fvw and BizTravel. According to Jo Song Gyu, CEO of North Korea’s International Travel Company, the order is for a mix of A319s, A320s and A330s although the breakdown was not given. The order is part of a move to open up North Korea to foreign tourism. The A330s will be used for possibly resurrecting flights to Berlin and adding London, Paris and Madrid Barajas, whilst the A319/320s will be used to open up new routes to South East Asia and China. So far Air Koyro only operates Soviet/Russian built aircraft with Beijing Capital, Shenyang and Vladivostok being its only three regularly served international destinations. ch-aviation

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